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Steel, the optimal automotive lightweighting solution

Bringing solutions to the automotive market

In this automotive video episode you can learn more about steel as the most affordoble solution for the challenges of the automotive industry.



Summarising this video in a few quotes

"We should never forget safety. People want the safest vehicles they can get and steel is by far the best product for that. We have the highest strenght and the highest energy absorbtion. (...) Families have more expenditures than ever and they need vehicles to be affordable. And steel is by far the most affordable solution that can be all the attributes required."

Brad Davey, Chief Marketing Officer, ArcelorMittal North America Flat Rolled


"When ArcelorMittal approaches lightweighting, we look at all 3 Gs: Grade, Gauge and Geometry. Grade and Gauge seem obvious, but when you add the Geometry part, then we can optimise the grade and gauge working together with the OEMs."

Pinakin Chaubal, General Manager, International Process, ArcelorMittal Global R&D

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