Capture and storage of fossil fuel carbon

Developing cost-effective technologies to capture and separate CO2 from our waste gases, and liquefy it for subsequent transport and storage or reuse, could be key to the transition to low-emissions steelmaking. Combining this with a circular carbon energy input would further reduce CO2 emissions.

ArcelorMittal is exploring the possibilities of several carbon capture and storage technologies including:

  • Carbon2Value
  • Traditional carbon capture and storage (CCS)

Carbon2Value: capturing fossil fuel carbon for storage or reuse

Capturing and storing the carbon produce during steelmaking is one way of reducing emissions. The process uses existing steelmaking methods, but the carbon that is produced is captured and stored or re-used rather than being emitted into the atmosphere.

A pilot plant to capture CO2 has been built in Ghent (Belgium) together with Dow Chemicals. The project is part of the Carbon2Value project supported by INTERREG2Seas.

Additionally, in Dunkirk (France) a €20 million industrial pilot to capture CO2 using only low-temperature waste heat is under construction with our partner IFPen. The project is supported by the French organization ADEME.

Known as DMX™, the pilot project is aiming to achieve the cost reductions required to make such processes commercially viable. The plant will be able to capture 0.5 tons of CO2 an hour from steelmaking gases by 2021.

The Carbon2Value process

A pilot plant to capture CO2 has been built in Ghent, Belgium, together with Dow Chemicals as part of the Carbon2Value project.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS): Making CCS competitive

The carbon capture and storage (CCS) process is a method of extracting and storing the CO2 produced by large industrial units such as blast furnaces. After the gas is captured, it is placed under high pressure before being injected into a geological storage area.

In post-combustion capture, the CO2 is separated from other gases by absorption using a chemical solvent. ArcelorMittal is exploring options which can significantly reduce the energy required to extract the gas – the costliest part of the CCS process. The goal is to make the CCS process more competitive.


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