Commitment to ResponsibleSteel

ArcelorMittal has taken a leading role in forming and committing to ResponsibleSteel™, the steel industry's first multi-stakeholder global certification initiative.

ResponsibleSteel™ was established in 2015 to drive a more responsible future for the steel industry. It has grown to become a global, multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative which aims to address the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of the steel industry. It will enable steel users to identify steel that has been produced in a responsible manner.

In December 2019, ResponsibleSteel™ formally published its certification standards following a rigorous two-year consultation process. The standard and certification program cover the entire steel value chain including: 

  • Corporate leadership and ESG management systems
  • Occupational health and safety, and labor and human rights
  • Community engagement
  • Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Noise, emissions, effluent, and waste management
  • Water stewardship and biodiversity
  • Decommissioning and closure of sites

Explaining ArcelorMittal’s commitment to ResponsibleSteel™, Alan Knight, Global Head of Sustainable Development, said: "Responsible production techniques and high ethical and business standards are becoming increasingly important to our customers, and ultimately to their customers and consumers. We want to get to a point where steel users and purchasers have total confidence in their choices. ResponsibleSteel™ provides us with a fantastic opportunity to do this and to create the world’s first certification programme for the industry. ResponsibleSteel™ also links to other relevant sustainability schemes such as the Initiative for Responsible Mining (IRMA)."

ArcelorMittal began certifying its European sites in early 2020. However, COVID-19 has slowed down the process as audits cannot be conducted remotely. “The audits are extremely thorough,” notes Alan Knight. “On average it takes about 12 to 15 person days per facility.” The first sites are now expected to be certified under the standard in 2021.

How does ResponsibleSteel™ work?

ResponsibleSteel™ is a membership-based organization. It currently comprises 22 members including steel producers, car manufacturers (BMW Group and Daimler), finance providers such as HSBC, industry organizations, and NGOs. 

ResponsibleSteel™ expects to rapidly grow its membership base with the aim of becoming the recognized standard for the global steel industry.


Download the certification standardVisit ResponsibleSteel™ website

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