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S-in motion® Lightweight Front Seats study at the 4th Annual Automotive Seating Innovations Summit

On 5 April 2019, Gilson Donya and Georges Lovato will present the results of their study entitled “Safely seated with S-in motion® Lightweight Front Seats: weight cuts by almost 20%”.

ArcelorMittal’s S-in motion® solutions reported the ability to achieve significant weight reduction on vehicles with the most advanced high strength steels available today. Front seats are the latest vehicle component to be examined and the weight saving potential is significant.

The S-in motion® Front Seats project identified where advanced high strength steels (AHSS) could be used to optimize and lightweight components while maintaining safety and performances. The scope of the study was a typical 6-way front seat structure for a C-segment passenger vehicle.

The authors:

  • Gilson Donya, Project Manager - Automotive Steel Solutions Design - ArcelorMittal Global R&D

  • Dr. Georges Lovato, Global R&D Development AHSS Seat - ArcelorMittal Global R&D

Steel frame structure of S-in motion® Front Seats

© Vonlanthen

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