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ArcelorMittal adds new durable Fortiform® 980 Extragal® steel grade for further auto weight savings

As automakers are challenged to improve safety and fuel economy, they continue to search for new materials to meet higher performance demand of body structures. ArcelorMittal is joining our automotive partners in taking that challenge seriously, adding to its family of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) for the auto industry with the development of Fortiform® 980 Extragal® (-GI) in North America.

With the second generation of steels, body engineers had some limitations in using the higher strength grades for parts that play a role in energy absorption or parts that were complex in shape. The use of Fortiform® eliminates this limitation.

“The new Fortiform® 980 Extragal® (-GI) range of AHSS for cold stamping combines superior formability and ductility at higher strengths that exceed the capabilities of the second-generation AHSS, thus opening up significant new opportunities for AHSS in body engineering,” said Hassan Ghassemi-Armaki, lead research engineer, Global Research and Development, East Chicago. “This is a crucial advantage as carmakers come under pressure to further lighten vehicles as a part of their strategy to improve fuel economy.”

“Because of its superior properties, Fortiform® 980 Extragal® could help achieve weight savings of up to 20% compared to conventional AHSS while meeting the increasingly stringent crash and safety requirements,” said Qaiser Khan, senior engineer, Global Research and Development, East Chicago. “This grade is suitable for use in many structural parts of the vehicle that are affected during impact, including front and rear rails.”


Hassan Ghassemi-Armaki (standing) and Qaiser Khan (seated) present details of ArcelorMittal’s new Fortiform® 980 Extragal® steel grade at the 2019 Great Designs in Steel conference earlier this year. (Image provided by Autosteel Great Designs in Steel)

Fortiform® 980 Extragal® is compatible with the current welding systems used in the industry. The product was engineered to mitigate the challenges typical of higher strength AHSS such as liquid metal embrittlement and optimum weld strength. ArcelorMittal has studied four welding types of resistance spot-welding, laser welding, MIG brazing and gas metal arc welding with no signs of surface cracks in critical zones.

The new steel grade was showcased in the presentation titled “On the advantages of Fortiform® 980 GI - A third generation AHSS grade with superior weldability” presented by authors, Ghassemi-Armaki, Khan and Shri Aditya Varanasi from ArcelorMittal USA, at the 2019 Great Designs in Steels (GDIS) conference earlier this year. The presentation also discusses the axial crush results of this grade for different gauges and weld pitch combinations.

Presentation: On the advantages of Fortiform® 980 GI - A third generation AHSS grade with superior weldability

Fortiform® 980 Extragal® 1.4mm gauge axial crush results

Fortiform® 980 Extragal® joins grades Fortiform® 1050 (available in Europe only) and Fortiform® 1180. The successful launch of these AHSS grades over the past six years is further proof that steel is the most sustainable, adaptable and most affordable material to help automakers produce lighter vehicles and achieve their weight reduction targets on-time without compromising strength and safety. It demonstrates that ArcelorMittal has an unwavering focus on delivering value to the industry and the products it needs into the future.

Fortiform® 980 Extragal® is currently available in North America only. It will be launched in Europe soon.


More information:

Fortiform® gradesExtragal® coating


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