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Electrifying mobility

ArcelorMittal’s electrical steels – and services – outperform the competition

ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® range is already the leading solution for automotive electric motors. New grades and coatings in the iCARe® family are further expanding the applications in which our electrical steels can enhance energy efficiency, performance, and compactness. To complement these state-of-the-art steels, ArcelorMittal can offer traction motor designers a complete range of tools and technical support to help them develop the energy efficient electrical machines of the future. And for OEMs, our dedicated and responsive customer teams ensure interactions with ArcelorMittal are quick and easy.


ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® family includes solutions for all types of electrical machines

ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® family includes solutions for all types of electrical machines

ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® family of electrical steels offers the lowest loss levels and excellent yield strength for e-mobility traction applications. Low losses are a particularly important characteristic of the iCARe® Save family. This property minimises the amount of battery energy that is wasted as unwanted heat dissipation. This enables OEMs to achieve longer drive ranges with existing battery technology.

iCARe® 420 Save increases motor efficiency

iCARe® 420 Save increases motor efficiency

iCare® 420 Save grades combine low losses with high yield strength. The guaranteed minimum yield strength of these grades is 420 megapascals (MPa). This allows OEMs to increase the overall compactness and performance of their electrical machines and to manufacture rotors and stators from the same material.

Motor designers can use the high strength of iCARe® 420 Save to improve the electromagnetic design of the rotor or to increase its rotating speed – both of which increase power density. The steels also exhibit very good punchability.

iCARe® 420 Save allows designers to magnetically optimise the permanent motor rotor design for higher power density

iCARe® 420 Save allows designers to magnetically optimise the permanent motor rotor design for higher power density

Watch our video: Boosting the power density of efficient traction motors with iCARe® 420 Save


Getting the most out of our steels

To help OEMs get the most out of our iCARe® electrical steels, ArcelorMittal offers state-of-the-art tools, technical support, and co-engineering solutions. As well as giving manufacturers access to some of the leading experts in the field of automotive electrification, it also helps them to extract the highest level of performance from our iCARe® electrical steels.

ArcelorMittal’s simulation tools and software can accurately calculate the efficiency of an electrical machine design. Modelling a new design with these tools allows customers to precisely estimate the level of performance and efficiency at each operational point. The tools can also identify and help to mitigate the effect of motor production steps on efficiency. The result is an optimised electrical machine that performs as designed.

ArcelorMittal’s simulation tools and software help OEMs create high performance electrical machines

ArcelorMittal’s simulation tools and software help OEMs create high performance electrical machines

ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® family

The iCARe® range offers OEMs a choice of electrical steels which allow them to meet their requirements for low losses, high strength, and/or high polarisation. iCare® 420 Save is the flagship of the iCare® family. These enhanced Save grades combine low losses with higher yield strength (guaranteed minimum yield strength of 420 MPa) compared to the standard Save grades. The enhanced strength allows rotor design improvements which increase the overall performance and compactness of the electrical machine.

Higher motor efficiency is achieved by using electrical steels with lower iron losses in a wide frequency range

Higher motor efficiency is achieved by using electrical steels with lower iron losses in a wide frequency range

How ArcelorMittal’s customer teams work

Led by the global account manager (GAM) and the global technical coordinator (GTC), ArcelorMittal’s customer teams also include customer technical support (CTS) engineers. The CTS handle all technical operational questions from the OEM and report back to the GAM/GTC.

Many OEMs also have an ArcelorMittal resident engineer (RE) to support product development and innovation. The RE can provide the latest information and technical data on ArcelorMittal’s offer directly to the customer’s R&D teams.


Detailed information about our iCARe® range in our online product catalogue


Find out more about our iCARe® 420 Save range in our online product catalogue


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