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ArcelorMittal Multi Part Integration™ presented at the AMS Automotive Evolution Conference in München


During the AMS Evolution summit that took place in München on 9 December 2022, ArcelorMittal joined a panel discussion with ArcelorMittal, AP&T  and Trumpf about solutions to tackle the electrification and simplification challenges together with our partners and customers. One of the solutions that was discussed was the ArcelorMittal Multi Part Integration™ (MPI)n a concept designed to incorporate many parts stamped from one LWB, thereby reducing body assembly complexity. With the goal of simplifying production for automakers, MPI uses PHS and patented laser-welding technology to create the single part, which can be further enhanced with varying patches to meet different crash requirements that adapt for different powertrains.

A demonstrator was present at the ArcelorMittal stand in the lobby where attendees could get familiar with these and other ArcelorMittal solutoins.

OEMs and suppliers are adapting a range of materials, combinations and approaches in production with the aim of simplifying processes, reducing weight and emissions. Electrification and sustainability targets are leading to changes body in body-in-white, including using more high-strength steel.

A duo that delivers for our automotive partners

ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks (AMTB) is a world leader in the production of laser welded blanks (LWBs) with design and production facilities around the world.

A Laser Welded Blank (LWB) is a sheet of steel made of different steel grades welded together. Each blank can have different grades, thicknesses and/or coatings. ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks utilizes ArcelorMittal’s ultra-high strength cold stamping steels and hot stamping Press Hardenable Steels (PHS), Usibor® and Ductibor® for our laser welded blanks. PHS offers ultra-high strength and can be formed into complex shapes. These steels make ideal LWBs for the hot stamping processes and enable OEMs to achieve excellent weight reductions across the vehicle. 

LWBs offer the following benefits:

  • Lower CO2 footprint of all parts as steel usage is reduced through improved material utilization, lightweighting of design and lower footprint joining process
  • Laser energy sources are much more efficient than spot welding operations
  • The  CO2 footprint of logistics and part assembly is reduced through consolidation of parts at the blank level

The combined offerings of ArcelorMittal and ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks provide automotive partners with the following advantages:

  • Concentrated strength in vehicle parts where it is most needed for crash resistance
  • Reduced overall material thickness, which decreases vehicle weight and emissions and increases its performance
  • Reduced manufacturing, material and transport costs

Lightening the load with a modular solution for multiple powertrains

In addition to simplifying the vehicle production process, the ArcelorMittal Multi Part Integration™ (MPI) concept offers crash optimization and increased sustainability due to a lighter finished vehicle through material usage optimization. It reduces carbon emissions in a way only steel can. ArcelorMittal MPI may also offer customer cost savings of up to 10 percent.


About AMS Evolution Summit

The AMS EVolution Summit is a gathering of plant leaders, production executives and engineering professionals from OEMs, suppliers, equipment and technology providers which showcases innovation, thought leadership and solutions to managing global car manufacturing transformation.


More about the AMS Evolution conference - play back the presentations


ArcelorMittal's Jesse Paegle (middle), live at the AMS Evolution conference in Munich

Discover more about ArcelorMittal Multi Part Integration™


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