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License granted by ArcelorMittal to AK Steel for a patent about hot stamping process

ArcelorMittal press release - 28 October 2019, Luxembourg

Today ArcelorMittal announced that it has entered into a licensing agreement of its USIBOR® part processing technology patent with AK Steel, in order to offer to US automotive industry an additional alternative for using its patented solution for hot stamping aluminized boron press hardenable steel products.    

Under this agreement with AK Steel, ArcelorMittal grants right for AK Steel to allow its customers to stamp and use its ULTRALUME® PHS product in the United States, Canada and Mexico. AK Steel will be the sole licensee, along with subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, permitted to produce aluminized boron press hardenable steel in the United States, Canada or Mexico able to be processed as per licensed ArcelorMittal’s patent about its USIBOR® part processing technology.

This licensing agreement resolves is a part of the settlement of a patent infringement case that has been pending in the Federal District Court for the District of Delaware between the parties. ArcelorMittal is satisfied to have been able to reach a solution aiming at developing automotive product markets. 

Typical applications of Usibor® (in dark orange)


More information about our PHS: Usibor® and Ductibor®


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