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ArcelorMittal to outline LME methodology at international welding conference



ArcelorMittal will be present at the 72nd annual assembly of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) which will take place in Bratislava (Slovakia) from 7 to 12 July 2019. Yacine Benlatreche, ArcelorMittal Global R&D's automotive welding specialist, will present a paper on liquid metal embrittlement (LME) in resistance spot welding.

Today, no common standard to evaluate the LME sensitivity level of steels is available. Steel suppliers and carmakers use different stack-ups and welding conditions to evaluate the LME level of products under approval. This means most LME results are not directly comparable.

The presented paper outlines the methodologies ArcelorMittal uses to evaluate LME in its steel grades. By sharing the LME evaluation and analysis methodologies used by our Gobal R&D laboratories, ArcelorMittal hopes to encourage the development of a common standard.

All IIW delegates are invited to attend Yacine Benlatreche’s presentation which will take place on Monday July 8th at 12PM15.


LME crack revealed by cross-section observation

LME crack revealed by cross-section observation

Yacine Benlatreche, Research Engineer in Joining Techniques at ArcelorMittal Global R&D

Yacine Benlatreche, Research Engineer in Joining Techniques at ArcelorMittal Global R&D

About the event

IIW 2019
IIW 2019 logo
Welding and mechanical joining techniques for advanced steel and multi-material parts

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