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Thomas Dieudonne, PhD, a research engineer at ArcelorMittal Global R&D will present a paper at the 4th International Conference on Medium and High Manganese Steel conference. The conference will be held in Aachen (Germany) from 1 to 3 April 2019.
The presentation will examine the influence of chemical composition on the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) susceptibility of TWIP steels. These steels are candidate materials for complex deep drawn automotive safety components. However, like many ultra high strength steels (UHSS), they may be sensitive to different forms of damage induced by hydrogen absorption during the production process, assembly, and service. Damage can include stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and hydrogen-induced delayed cracking.
The study, done as part of a thesis, investigated the beneficial effects of using aluminum and copper as alloying elements to reduce the susceptibility of this steel to HE. During his presentation Thomas Dieudonne will show why these alloying elements improve the HE-resistance of TWIP steels.
Typical intergranular brittle fracture initiation of a TWIP steel without aluminium and copper during slow strain rate tensile test under hydrogen
Thomas Dieudonne, PhD, Research Engineer, ArcelorMittal Global Research and Development