Applications open for FormPlanet, a European Test Bed on metal characterisation and modelling services


February 2021

ArcelorMittal participates in FormPlanet European Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) project, which has launched a call for SMEs and companies in the sheet metal forming sector to access to services to better characterise sheet metal properties and predict the formation of defects in an early stage of design, forecast part performance and prevent production losses.

FormPlanet open call

SMEs and companies in the sheet metal forming sector can now apply to free services to better characterise sheet metal properties, predict part performance and prevent production losses.

FormPlanet services comprise novel and differentiated metal characterisation tests, in-process control systems and new modelling approaches, as well as materials information and other complimentary services, including consulting or on-demand training.

The project aims to tackle the upcoming challenges in formability and part quality assessment and support the usage of advanced high-strength materials in sheet-metal forming end-users’ sectors, such as transport, home appliances, machinery, packaging or construction.

  • ArcelorMittal participates in FormPlanet, a project that boosts the application of advanced high-strength metals to increase the competitiveness of the European sheet metal forming industry
  • Successful companies will receive metal characterisation and modelling services, as well a technical and advisory support valued in €140,000
  • Applications are open, and companies have until the 31st of March 2021 to express their interest


Read the full article on the ArcelorMittal Europe website


More information on FormPlanet consortium


More information about FormPlanet Open Call


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