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24/03/2022 - ResponsibleSteel™ has awarded the world's first certification to a steelmaking site in Latin America. ArcelorMittal Tubarão is the first industrial plant in Latin America to receive the ResponsibleSteel™ sustainability certification for its operations.
ArcelorMittal Tubarão is the first industrial plant in the Americas and outside Europe to receive the sustainability certification for its operations according to the ResponsibleSteel™, a standard and certification programme for the production of steel. Before receiving the certification, the unit – the largest ArcelorMittal Group plant in Brazil, located in the municipality of Serra (ES) – underwent a thorough auditing process.
“The steel sector has been strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its recovery is essential to the region. But growth cannot, and should not, occur at all costs. For this reason, being granted the first ResponsibleSteel certificate is extremely important. This is not an easily achieved accomplishment and the highlights of the sector are not focused only on decarbonization processes but also on the respect for human rights, labour rights and local communities always ensuring that health and safety remain a priority and focusing on the larger spectrum of ESG principles. The importance of a responsible steel supply chain is in line with the Latin America stakeholders, who know very well the connections between mining and steel production. This is the reason why a responsible supply chain will become an important and growing part of the ResponsibleSteel certification process. We applaud ArcelorMittal Tubarão on this momentous achievement."
Ali Lucas, acting CEO for ResponsibleSteel™
Launched in 2015, ResponsibleSteel™ sets global standards for sustainability performance and promotes the certification of steel chain companies through a network of independent certification bodies. The innovative initiative involves more than 40 members and associates, consisting of steel chain companies and civil society organizations around the world.
ResponsibleSteel's™ role is to improve responsible steel supply, production, use and recycling by developing high-quality standards, certification, and other tools. ArcelorMittal has played a fundamental role in the establishment of this global multi-stakeholder standard and certification programme.
In 2019, ResponsibleSteel™ created a sustainability standard that relies on twelve environmental, social and governance principles. The principles establish sustainability goals concerning the availability of water resources, health and safety, stakeholder demands, human and labor rights and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. These principles enable that high standards of sustainability in production and consumption can be met.
The Tubarão certification is the first one obtained by a company outside Europe.
To ensure that the performance standard is met for certification, an audit is carried out by an independent party, in this case by the independent consultancy DNV Brazil. The audit process consisted of gathering in-depth information on sustainable practices, visits to the industrial plant to collect the much needed evidence, and interviews with stakeholders.
“We are constantly searching for a more sustainable process, from raw material supply to sales solutions for our customers. The certification will assure our customers and the society in general that our steel is responsibly produced throughout the processes”
Jorge Oliveira, CEO ArcelorMittal Flat Carbon South America
The sustainability standard is based on twelve environmental, social and governance principles. They are: