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ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza receives ResponsibleSteel™ certification

ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza becomes the Company’s fifth industrial site in Spain to have successfully passed the third-party audit based on the ResponsibleSteel™ standard, the first global certification initiative for the steel industry focused on social, environmental and corporate governance (ESG) aspects.


Zaragoza, 14 September 2023. – ArcelorMittal has today received ResponsibleSteel™ certification for its Tailored Blanks Zaragoza plant, following the successful completion of the audit process which ended in June 2023. DNV GL was the firm selected to carry out the entire audit process to verify that the Company’s activities meet a set of rigorously defined standards across a broad range of social, environmental, governance and stakeholder relations criteria, including:

  • Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Water Stewardship and Biodiversity
  • Human Rights and Labour Rights
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Community Relations and Business Integrity


The site was audited against the ResponsibleSteel Standard V1.1 consisting of 12 Principles which, in turn, include a variety of criteria and requirements. To achieve ResponsibleSteel™ certification, each site must undergo a rigorous third-party audit, with the resulting report reviewed by an independent Assurance Panel which makes the final certification decision.


“As a team, it has been a great satisfaction for us to achieve ResponsibleSteel™ certification. We were selected as the pilot plant among all the European subsidiaries in the Tailored Blanks division and, after all the efforts deployed, we have been able to deliver on this mandate. This certification would not have been possible without the engagement and professional commitment of all members of the team. It has undoubtedly been a very interesting exercise and has enabled us to bring together, in a structured way, the complex and diverse range of activities that we have been implementing with our stakeholders. For us, the certification process has been an analytical journey across the Standard’s 12 principles and all its criteria and requirements. This exercise has enabled us to review all our actions and include the latest proposals to support the existing commitment to Sustainability, good Governance and the Health and Safety of all the parties involved in this project, which, ultimately, will ensure that the good results are shared by all.”

Tomás Ramos, plant manager at ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza



"This is an important step as we work to build a responsible steel value chain. ArcelorMittal Zaragoza’s galvanised steel coils come largely from existing ResponsibleSteel certified sites across France, Spain and Germany. So this certification is a real milestone for ResponsibleSteel, getting us one step closer to achieving certification across the value chain and giving Zaragoza’s automotive customers greater confidence that their steel has been produced in a way that respects both people and the planet every step of the way. As ArcelorMittal continues to work to certify sites globally, I look forward to seeing these links of the value chain continue to come together under the ResponsibleSteel programme to assure a full chain of custody from steel furnace to end use.”

Annie Heaton, ResponsibleSteel’s CEO commented:


About ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza

ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza is located in the Pradillo II industrial area in Pedrola (Zaragoza, Spain), 30 km from the capital of Aragón, right in the epicentre of the automotive manufacturing sector in Spain. The company, which belongs to the Tailored Blanks division within the ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products segment, receives galvanised steel coils from various European sites of the Group, which it processes in its facilities to produce laser-welded blanks for the automotive industry. This technology provides a reduction in the weight of the vehicles, resulting in lower fuel consumption, while also enhancing safety for the users. In 2022, shipments amounted to a total of 5,239,385 parts, with shipment volumes expected to rise to over 6 million part this year.

ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza is the fifth plant in Spain to receive this certification, after the sites forming the Asturias Cluster (Avilés and Gijón, Sagunto, Etxebarri and Lesaka), which achieved ResponsibleSteel™ certification in 2022.

More information about ArcelorMittal's Tailored Blanks business for automotive

About ResponsibleSteel™

ResponsibleSteelis a global multistakeholder standard and certification initiative for the steel industry. Its mission is to be a driving force in the socially and environmentally responsible production of net-zero steel, globally.

ResponsibleSteel’s members include some of the leading players in the industry working together to minimise the impact of steel manufacturing on people and the planet. Businesses from every part of the steel value chain, civil society groups, and other organisations are welcome to join.

ResponsibleSteel’s underlying purpose is to maximise steel’s contribution to a sustainable world by:

  • Providing a multi-stakeholder forum to build trust and achieve consensus;
  • Developing standards, certification and related tools;
  • Driving positive change through the recognition and use of responsible steel.

The ResponsibleSteel International Standard is designed to support the responsible sourcing and production of steel. It covers a range of sustainability issues including emissions, pollution, responsible sourcing, human rights, labour standards, and more. 

More information about ResponsibleSteel™Full list of all certificates that have been issued against the ResponsibleSteel™ International Standard


About ArcelorMittal

ArcelorMittal is the world's leading steel and mining company, with a presence in 60 countries and primary steelmaking facilities in 16 countries. In 2022, ArcelorMittal had revenues of $79.8 billion and crude steel production of 59 million metric tonnes, while iron ore production reached 45.3 million metric tonnes.

Our purpose is to help create a better world with smarter steels. Steels made using innovative processes which use less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. Steels that are cleaner, stronger and reusable. Steels for electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century. With steel at our core, our inventive people and an entrepreneurial culture at heart, we will support the world in making that change. This is what we believe it takes to be the steel company of the future.

ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MT), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS). For more information about ArcelorMittal please visit

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