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XCarb® and electrical steels focus of discussions at Coiltech Italia 2023


ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products was present at Coiltech Italia 2023 where we showcased our offer of electrical steels for automotive and industry customers. A key topic of conversation was ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® green steel certificates which can be supplied with any ArcelorMittal Europe product including electrical steels.

Tom Van De Putte, Coordinator of sustainability and green steel sales development for Automotive, Packaging, and Electrical Steels at ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products answered some of the questions customers had about electrical steels and XCarb® green steel certificates.


What are XCarb® green steel certificates?


"The certificates enable customers to reduce their Scope 3 (supply chain) greenhouse gas emissions. ArcelorMittal’s customer can choose to pass the certificates on to the end customer for the steel. That customer can use them to reduce their own Scope 3 emissions.

Tom Van De Putte, Coordinator of sustainability and green steel sales development for Automotive, Packaging, and Electrical Steels at ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products 


What are the advantages of XCarb® green steel certificates for ArcelorMittal’s automotive and industrial electrical steel customers?


"ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® green steel certificates are a great option for customers who want to lower their supply chain emissions. This can help them meet their internal targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Customers who buy XCarb® green steel certificates are supporting ArcelorMittal to deploy innovative carbon-reduction technologies. This impacts the decarbonisation of the electrical steel supply chain.

In the long term, ArcelorMittal’s goal is to become a net zero-carbon steelmaker by 2050. Achieving this ambition requires a transformation of our steelmaking footprint. ArcelorMittal Europe has a detailed plan to do this, including replacing our blast furnaces with DRI plants (direct reduction plants) and building electric furnaces powered by clean energy. When ready, these investments will generate additional CO2 savings for our customers that can be offered as XCarb® solutions."


What are the advantages of high-quality electrical steels in motors?

Electrical steels are used as laminations in the magnetic core of electrical motors and are a key part of a vehicle’s propulsion system. Electrical steels for automotive traction motors are amongst the most complex types of steel to produce. Ultimately they define how much electricity an engine consumes.

When choosing electrical steels, it is important to pay close attention to the efficiency of the motor throughout its life cycle. Considerable efficiency improvements can be obtained by choosing the most appropriate electrical steel grades. This allows OEMs to significantly reduce the CO2 impact of their vehicles during the use phase of its life. ArcelorMittal’s Global R&D team can help customers identify the right solution. Our experienced R&D representatives will be on the stand during Coiltech Italia 2023 to answer customer questions and provide recommendations.


If you are interested in significantly reducing the CO2 impact of your products, please get in touch with your usual ArcelorMittal contact person, or visit our stand at Coiltech Italia 2023 from 20 to 21 September. You will find the ArcelorMittal team in hall 8, booth B36. We’d be happy to discuss further cooperation.


Learn more about Coiltech Italia 2023


More info on XCarb® green steel certificates


Discover ArcelorMittal’s range of electrical steels for non-automotive industry applications


Discover ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® range of electrical steels for e-mobility


Electrical steels are the central material to shape the motors of electric cars. Did you know that an electric car uses on average 50 kg of electrical steel for its traction?


Watch the iCARe® 420 Save video to learn more


ArcelorMittal announces investment of €300 million in Mardyck, France, to produce electrical steels for industry and electromobility


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