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Webinar: Top performance of your electrified powertrain using iCARe® electrical steels

Live webinar: Thursday 29 June 2016 - 15:00 CEST | 14:00 BST | 8:00 CDT | 9:00 EDT

To lower fleet-level emissions, automotive manufacturers must develop more vehicles powered by electric and hybrid power trains. Since its launch in 2012, ArcelorMittal’s iCARe® electrical steels for automotive traction have assisted OEMs to achieve significant powertrain performance enhancements, both in electric as in hybrid vehicles.



This webinar will show you how the updated range iCARe® steels can help you realise the specific target you have for your traction motor:

  • Breakaway torque
  • Power
  • Power density
  • Size
  • Volume Thermal management
  • Cost reduction

Each power train layout can bring a specific challenge that we have tackled with these updated iCARe® solutions.

The webinar presentation will explain the innovative electrical steel products as well as the technical support ArcelorMittal can bring to help make the design definition process quick, efficient and accurate.


This webinar is presented by Sigrid Jacobs. Sigrid Jacobs graduated in electro-technical engineering at Ghent University and obtained an MBA at the Vlerick School for management, Belgium. After developing electrical steels at the metallurgy lab of the Ghent University, she joined the ArcelorMittal group and was involved in engineering projects. Now she is portfolio director of the group’s Global R&D activities in Electrical Steels.


More information about iCARe® electrical steels

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