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MartINsite® steels


The MartINsite® steel family is an addition to ArcelorMittal's range of Advanced High Strength Steels. These steels enable lightweight structural elements to be created by a forming process such as roll forming. 


Thanks to their excellent mechanical properties, these grades are particularly suitable for automotive safety parts for shock resistance. Typical parts are shown in the figure below:

  • Front and rear bumper beams
  • Door beam
  • Side sill reinforcement
  • Roof crossmember
Typical parts for MartINsite® steels

Typical parts for MartINsite® steels

Designation and standard

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ArcelorMittal name Generic name ArcelorMittal Code VDA 239-100 ABNT NBR
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200 MartINsite® 1200 CR950Y1200T-MS MT1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300 MartINsite® 1300 CR1030Y130T-MS (-UNC,-EG)
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500 MartINsite® 1500 CR1220Y1500T-MS (-UNC,-EG)
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700 MartINsite® 1700 CR1350Y1700T-MS (-UNC,-EG)

The above table summarises, for information only, the cross-references between the ArcelorMittal product range, European standards and standard VDA 239-100.

Mechanical properties

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ArcelorMittal name Generic name Direction Yield stress Rp0.2 (MPa) Tensile strength Rm (MPa) Type 1 Min. A50mm (%) Type 2 Min. A80mm (%) Type 3 Min. A50mm (%)
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200 RD 950 - 1220 1200 - 1420 3 3 3
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300 RD 1030 - 1360 1300 - 1550 3 3 3
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500 RD 1220 - 1570 1500 - 1770 3 3 3
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700 RD 1350 - 1770 1700 - 2000 3 3 3

A80mm %: Percentage elongation after fracture using a specimen with gauge length L0 = 80 mm (ISO 6892-1 type 2 (EN20x80))
A50mm %: Percentage elongation after fracture using a specimen with gauge length L0 = 50 mm (ISO 6892-1 type 1 (ASTM12.5x50) or type 3 (JIS25x50)
A%: Percentage elongation after fracture using a proportional specimen with L0 = 5.65 (So)1/2
Ag %: Percentage plastic extension at maximum force
BH2: Increase in yield strength between a reference condition after a 2% plastic pre-strain and the condition obtained after heat treatment (170°C-20minutes)

  • MartINsite® 1200 microstucture

  • MartINsite® 1500 microstucture

Chemical composition

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ArcelorMittal name Generic name Max. C (%) Max. Si (%) Max. Mn (%) Max. P (%) Max. S (%) Min. Al (%) Max. Cu (%) Max. B (%) Max. Ti + Nb (%) Max. Cr + Mo (%)
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200 0.23 0.5 2.2 0.02 0.025 ≥ 0.01 0.2 0.01 0.15 1.0
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300 0.28 1 2.2 0.02 0.025 ≥ 0,010 0.2 0.01 0.15 1
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500 0.30 1 2.5 0.02 0.025 ≥ 0,010 0.2 0.01 0.15 1
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700 0.35 1 3 0.02 0.025 ≥ 0,010 0.2 0.01 0.15 1

Global availability

Under development     Customer trials     Commercial unexposed only     Commercial exposed and unexposed    

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ArcelorMittal name Generic name Uncoated (-UNC) Electrogalvanized (-EG) Jetgal® (-ZV)
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700
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ArcelorMittal name Generic name Uncoated (-UNC) Electrogalvanized (-EG) Jetgal® (-ZV)
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700
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ArcelorMittal name Generic name
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700
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ArcelorMittal name Generic name
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700
Show all
ArcelorMittal name Generic name
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700
Show all
ArcelorMittal name Generic name
MartINsite® 1200 MS1200
MartINsite® 1300 MS1300
MartINsite® 1500 MS1500
MartINsite® 1700 MS1700

MartINsite® steels with Electrogalvanised or Jetgal® coating have been optimised to provide excellent crash performance and corrosion protection, ensuring good resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.


MartINsite® steels exhibit good roll-forming, bending and hole-expansion behaviour.

For MartINsite® steel design rules, we recommend using bending radii greater than 3 times the thickness of the product.

Bending method: 90° edge forming

Please contact us for more information about forming MartINsite® steels in special thicknesses and with special coatings.


Suitability for spot welding

The MartINsite® range of steels has good resistance spot weldability. The welding range, determined in accordance with standard ISO 18278-2, is wide. The table below shows examples, for information only, of spot welding properties for MartINsite® similar welds in accordance with standard ISO 18278-2.

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ArcelorMittal name Coating Thickness (mm) Nugget diameter (mm) Pure tensile (kN) Weld diameter (mm) Tensile-shear (kN)
MartINsite® 1200 1.2 4.5 5 4.5 12.9
MartINsite® 1300 EG 1.2 4.5 7 5 13.6
MartINsite® 1500 EG 1.2 4.1 4.3 4.1 13.1
MartINsite® 1700 EG 1 4.4 3.8 4.7 17.1

Laser welding

Laser welding tests have revealed no particular difficulties.

ArcelorMittal can provide technical assistance in adjusting the welding parameters for all steels in the MartINsite® range.

Fatigue strength

MartINsite® steels exhibit good fatigue properties on account of their very high mechanical strength. By way of example, the 2 graphs below show Wöhler curves for these MartINsite® steels. They are expressed in terms of stress amplitude versus cycles to failure. They are calculated for two loading ratios: either tension-compression R=-1 or tension-tension R=0.1.

Wöhler curves or S-N curves for a variety of MartINsite® steels:

The graph below shows the oligocyclic fatigue or E-N curves for the same steels. The curves plot strain amplitude versus number of reversals to failure (one cycle corresponds to two reversals). Other high and low cycle fatigue data can be provided on request.

ArcelorMittal can provide a full database on the fatigue performance of MartINsite® steels.

Impact strength

As a result of their very high YS and UTS values, MartINsite® steels are particularly well suited for anti-intrusion parts.

MartINsite® steels have been characterised in the 3-point bending test using top hat cross-section specimens impacted at 30 km/h. The tests showed very good impact behaviour of these steels. The following graph gives, for information only, the minimum potential weight saving for these steels compared with an CR340LA steel.

Potential weight saving compared to that of an HSLA 380 steel (reference)

Potential weight saving compared to that of an HSLA 380 steel (reference)

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